Do you need experience to play a Megagame?
Absolutely none, other than a willingness to enjoy yourself with 50+ scheming people in a very large room while confronting the most pressing matters of politics or war.Is there a minimum age to attend a Megagame?
There is, the age limit to participate in a Megagame is 16 or over, but anyone younger can come so long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.How do I sign up for a Megagame?
If you have been to one of our Megagames before then you will already be on our system, just login to this site and book on the game you are interested in. After booking and payment of the game fee, you can add any role preference. If you haven't been to one of our Megagames before you will need to register on this site in order to be book into a game.Can I sign up others onto a Megagame, can I book/buy multiple places?
No. This site requires you to register and login before booking, so you can only book for yourself.Do I need to get a whole team together to play?
No, absolutely not. You don't have to field a full team to take part . We have many individuals sign onto a game. If people already know they want to play on the same team as their friends, then please use the "Note" field to tell us so. It is best to nominate one person as team co-ordinator and then enter a Note with their name e.g. team John Smith We will then take account of that when casting is done (about a month before the game).How many can be in a team?
It depends on the individual Megagame and can vary widely Usually team sizes are between 3 and 6 people.How are roles assigned/teams selected, when will I find out what role I have been cast?
Because of the nature of Megagames we do not 'sell tickets' but carefully allocate individuals into roles, roles which influence the structure and direction of the game. We allocate people into teams and roles about a month before the game, after which we will email you to let you know and publish a role list on the game web page. Up until then we book people onto a Megagame up to the numbers it can cater for and make a note of any team or role preference, which we will use to help us with the casting.We try to meet everyone's role and team preferences (if stated) and usually do, but obviously no guarantees can be made. Usually we give people the roles they ask for, or something close to it. This is why we often ask you to express several role preferences.